A Mitzvah, literally interpreted, is a commandment in Jewish law. However, it is often used to define a good deed or an act of kindness which is an integral and essential part of Jewish life, and the lives of other faith and belief communities. This is the basis for Mitzvah Day.
Mitzvah Day is the world’s largest faith-led day of social action. Over 55,000 people around the world, in 41 countries, came together last year to make a difference to the community around us. We introduce people to social action, to their neighbours and to local charities, setting up projects which address real needs. Jewish-led, we bring together people of all faiths, beliefs, and backgrounds to volunteer side-by-side, building longstanding, genuine relationships.
Our theme this year, of Repairing the World and caring for the people around us is integral to Judaism, to other faiths or belief values and, indeed, to Mitzvah Day itself. Our theme aims to remind us that we can all play a part, however big or small, in helping to heal our increasingly damaged world and to reconsider the ways in which we use and misuse it. This year we aim to give our time as, collectively, to address the human inflicted damage both on vulnerable people and on our precious fragile environment.

This year’s projects focus on

The challenges in today’s world feel so monumental that it can be hard to know where to start. On Mitzvah Day, with our neighbours, we encourage and support everyone to celebrate the real difference we can make, through hands on action for the sake of our today and our tomorrow. We are partnering with some exceptional national and Jewish charities and, by focusing on a few key projects, we aim collectively to make a greater impact.
Every project can easily be adapted for local conditions and to support local charities.
As ever, all Mitzvah Day projects aim to bring people together wherever they are, and however much time they have to give. We reach out to our neighbours and invite them to take part, building long term connections and friendships locally, where it matters.
Additionally, all projects can be done once, twice, or every day of the year!
If you have other projects which Repair the World, we are excited to hear all about them, else do explore the core theme projects here, or specific available projects from local charity partners seeking help here.