
Join us for

Mitzvah Day 2023

19 November 2023

Register for Mitzvah Day

Mitzvah Day is the UK’s largest faith-led day of social action.

Over 55,000 people around the world, come together to give our time, to make a difference to the community around us. We introduce people to social action, to their neighbours and to local charities, setting up projects, which address real needs. Jewish-led, we bring together people of all faiths and backgrounds, to volunteer side-by-side, building longstanding, genuine relationships.

Mitzvah Day in Numbers





“Mitzvah Day shows what takes place when we dare to imagine a human society where flourishing is at its heart and we dare to support our fellow human beings. Together we make something beautiful.”

The Rt Revd Rob Wickham

Bishop of Edmonton

“The volunteering of time and making donations on Mitzvah Day makes a real difference to those in need of help in our neighbourhoods; this generosity and community spirit shown by volunteers from across communities is truly remarkable.”

Imam Qari Asim

Chair of the Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board

“The small acts of kindness we see on Mitzvah Day add up to make a big difference in our communities. Mitzvah Day is another example of the profoundly positive contribution London’s Jewish community makes to our city.”

Sadiq Khan

London Mayor

“Mitzvah Day has become a powerful movement for change, harnessing the enthusiasm of thousands of people who want to give their time to make a difference in their communities.”

David Cameron

Former Prime Minister

“Mitzvah Day is always a highlight of the year for our Jewish communities – a day where we come together with each other, and our friends of other faiths, to do good for the world around us.”

Charley Baginsky

Liberal Judaism Chief Executive Officer Rabbi

“Mitzvah Day provides a special opportunity to give selflessly to others. It shows the very best of our Judaism in action – as we unite with those of all faiths and none to do something for those who need it most.”

Ephraim Mirvis

Chief Rabbi

“Our faith and belief communities achieve great things when they work and act together and Mitzvah Day is a perfect example of that. By donating time rather than money, those taking part make a difference to the projects they support whilst also building and strengthening relationships with their friends and neighbours from different backgrounds.”

Nicola Sturgeon

Former Scotland First Minister

“It is always a pleasure to participate in Mitzvah Day and support the incredible work they do. Mitzvah Day is special for many reasons. I’m always struck by how it brings people of different faiths and communities together to help others.”

Sir Keir Starmer

Leader of the Opposition

“Mitzvah Day encourages people from all faiths and backgrounds to come together to bring about social action. This Jewish-led day is an excellent example of the generosity and good spirit of the British public. I am filled with so much pride to see the thousands of volunteers doing something positive for their communities.”

Boris Johnson

Former Prime Minister

Thank you to our generous supporters