
Insurance & DBS Information


In general most partner organisations, e.g. synagogues, schools, youth movements, will carry their own liability insurance which will cover their Mitzvah Day project(s), e.g. if a coordinator is running a Mitzvah Day Shopping project and is affiliated to a synagogue or youth movement, the insurance of the coordinator’s organisation is likely to cover the project. It is also likely that any charity’s premises visited on Mitzvah Day will carry liability insurance for visitors.

DBS Checks

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks are usually required for those who will be working with children or vulnerable adults. However, if a staff member of the organisation being visited is present, it may not be necessary to arrange DBS checks for all of your volunteers/visitors. Please check with your charity. In all cases, the responsibility to ensure that all activities are covered and any necessary DBS checks are carried out lies with the coordinator of the partner organisation, and not with Mitzvah Day UK Charitable Trust.

Confidentiality Policy

Scope & Purpose

Confidentiality forms part of Mitzvah Day’s terms and conditions of employment. Mitzvah Day encourages all employees, trustees, partners, coordinators and volunteers to increase public knowledge and awareness of Mitzvah Day. However, all people connected with Mitzvah Day must observe the confidentiality requirements set out in this policy.

Duty of Confidentiality

Mitzvah Day’s employees, trustees, partners, coordinators and volunteers are required not to disclose, either during or after the termination of their employment or association (as applicable) with Mitzvah Day, any information of a confidential nature relating to Mitzvah Day. This includes any confidential information relating to Mitzvah Day’s, employees, trustees, partners, coordinators, volunteers donors or suppliers or any third party, which they may have obtained in the course of their employment or association (as applicable) with Mitzvah Day, without first obtaining written permission from the CEO and the party concerned.


A breach of confidentiality by employees will be treated as a disciplinary issue and the matter will be handled under Mitzvah Day’s Disciplinary Procedure. A breach of confidentiality by a Mitzvah Day trustee, partner, coordinator, volunteer or donor will be considered by the CEO and the trustees and Mitzvah Day reserves the right to cease any ongoing activities or association with that person as a result.

Equal Opportunity & Diversity Policy


Mitzvah Day is committed to implementing and promoting equal opportunities in its activities, services and practice.  We realise that discrimination exists in society (whether protected by law or not), and believe that this prevents potential and ability from being realised in young people and others.


The CEO and our trustees have overall responsibility for the effective operation of this policy. However, it is the responsibility of every individual to eliminate discrimination and to ensure the practical application of this Policy. All employees and trustees have a duty as part of their involvement with Mitzvah Day to do everything they can to Mitzvah Day that the policy works in practice.

Disability Policy

Mitzvah Day is committed to an equal opportunities policy in respect of employing staff. Mitzvah Day will endeavour to ensure that disabled staff receive the same standards of treatment as all others, and that disabled employees or trustees and potential employees or trustees will be afforded the same treatment and opportunities as all other employees or trustees and potential employees or trustees.


Mitzvah Day is committed to fostering an open, inclusive and supportive working environment for all our staff.  We recognise that some members of staff will experience the menopause and that for some the menopause will have an adverse impact on their working lives. We are committed to supporting all employees who are experiencing or impacted by the menopause. Line managers and other colleagues will take all reasonable steps to enable employees to work effectively within the charity.

Where required, a risk assessment may be carried out, medical advice may be obtained and reasonable adjustments made to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all employees.

General Application

Use of Language

Staff and trustees should avoid and challenge the use of language, which, in any way, belittles anyone. Where the language used has a personal impact on others, and it has been made clear to the person concerned that their use of such language is unwelcome and/or offensive, disciplinary action may be taken if they persist with it.

All materials used or developed by Mitzvah Day will be judged in the light of the promotion of equal opportunities, and those considered to be discriminatory will not be used.


Any employee or trustee who believes they have experienced any form of unfair or unlawful discrimination, bullying or harassment should raise their concern through Mitzvah Day’s Grievance Procedure. Where following an investigation it is deemed that there is a case to answer, matters will be dealt with under Mitzvah Day’s Disciplinary Procedure.

Any concern relating to unfair or unlawful discrimination, bullying or harassment related to involvement with Mitzvah Day may be raised by any coordinator, partner or volunteer with our CEO. Mitzvah Day reserves the right to investigate and, if it determines appropriate, take related action.


This policy will be reviewed at least annually to ensure that nobody is put to a disadvantage either, directly or indirectly. The CEO may review the practices of employees and trustees from time to time.

Data Protection Policy


Data protection is about information processing management practice. Whether personal data is being amended, stored, retrieved, disclosed or destroyed (and all of these activities come under the definition of “processing”) by or on behalf of Mitzvah Day, it will take all reasonable steps to ensure the security, quality and accuracy of the data. Mitzvah Day will also take all reasonable steps to ensure that employees know for what purpose data about the employee is being processed.

Scope & Responsibility

This policy applies to all personal data processed by Mitzvah Day. The CEO (the “Responsible Person”) shall take responsibility for Mitzvah Day’s ongoing compliance with this policy.

The Responsible Person shall ensure that Mitzvah Day registers with the Information Commissioner’s Office as an organisation that processes personal data.

Data Protection Principles

Mitzvah Day is committed to processing data in accordance with its responsibilities under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

Article 5 of the GDPR requires that personal data shall be:

Lawful, Fair & Transparent Processing

To ensure its processing of data is lawful, fair and transparent, Mitzvah Day shall maintain a Register of Systems. The Register of Systems shall be reviewed at least annually.

Individuals have the right to access their personal data and any such requests made to the Mitzvah Day shall be dealt with in a timely manner.


In the event of a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data, Mitzvah Day shall promptly assess the risk to people’s rights and freedoms and if appropriate report this breach to the ICO (for more information, see the ICO website).


This policy is due for review by the Responsible Person and the Safeguarding Lead:

  • following any legislative changes;
  • every 12 months;
  • following any learning by Mitzvah Day;
  • as required by the Charity Commission; or
  • following any change in jurisdictional guidance,

whichever comes first.

Workplace Health & Safety & Environmental Policy

Workplace Health & Safety


Mitzvah Day recognises the importance of the responsibility it has for the health and safety of its staff and others who use Mitzvah Day’s premises and facilities. The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (the “Act”) imposes on every employer the duty to guard as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all its employees.

Environmental Policy

In order to protect the environment and reduce waste, Mitzvah Day:

  • promotes environmental projects on Mitzvah Day, consistent with one of our 3 aims: Tikkun Olam (repairing the world),
  • Encourages its employees and trustees to use email where possible to reduce paper usage
  • Promotes and supports environmental initiatives
  • Encourages efficient use of public transport

Mitzvah Day promotes Fairtrade and will endeavour to provide fair-trade tea, coffee, sugar and fruit where possible at meetings held by Mitzvah Day. In light of Mitzvah Day’s aims, it is not our policy to refuse the donation of food on the grounds that it is not Fairtrade.

Whistleblowing Policy

Part 1. Policy Details

Scope & Purpose

All Mitzvah Day employees, contractors, consultants, trustees, volunteers and interns, are covered by this policy. This policy sets out what they should do if they have reason to believe that something dangerous, unlawful or unethical is going on at work and it is affecting (or risks affecting) them or other colleagues. When you report these kinds of concerns, this is called whistleblowing.

Activities Revelant to Whistleblowing

The types of concerns you may want to raise with us by whistleblowing could include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Any activity you suspect is criminal
  • Any activity you suspect puts health and safety at risk
  • Any activity you suspect breaches our policy on bribery and corruption
  • Any failure to comply with legal or regulatory obligations
  • Any failure to meet professional requirements
  • Any activity you suspect may damage the environment
  • Any attempt to conceal one or more of these activities

Confidentiality & Anonymity

You are always encouraged to raise concerns openly, and we actively discourage anonymous whistleblowing. This is because it is not always easy to manage and to investigate anonymous reports, especially since if we are unable to ask you for clarification for further details, we may struggle to clarify and find evidence to support your allegations and/or reach an informed conclusion. In these circumstances, we risk missing evidence or opportunities to gather important supporting information, or identify helpful witnesses, because we may simply be unaware of their existence, in spite of our best efforts to uncover them.

We Protect Whistleblowers

There are no reprisals for mistakes or if following our investigations, (which we will always conduct thoroughly and conscientiously), we conclude that there has been no breach of law, policy or unethical conduct. However, to qualify for protection, the disclosure must, in the reasonable belief of the worker making the disclosure, show that one or more of the following events has happened, is happening or is likely to happen and that it is in the public interest to make the disclosure:

Whistleblowing to Others Outside of Mitzvah Day

Our policy covers the process for raising, investigating, and resolving wrongdoing within Mitzvah Day’s workplace.  The whistleblowing procedure that we have carefully put in place has been designed to ensure that to the best of our ability, we are able to resolve any concerns raised and to protect you as part of this process.  For these reasons, we anticipate that it would be extremely rare, if ever necessary, for you needing to involve anyone outside of Mitzvah Day as part of this process. However, we recognise that potentially, in exceptional circumstances, you might wish to involve an external body – an industry regulator, for example – and/or the independent charity Public Concern at Work, who can direct you towards the appropriate regulator for the type of issue you want to raise.

Involving the Press/Media

Involving the media in a whistleblowing matter often has the effect of inflaming the situation, not assisting it. It can significantly hamper evidence gathering and the willingness of other relevant individuals to support the process.  We therefore strongly discourage you from involving the media. We will treat any contact with the press as a serious disciplinary issue justifying dismissal unless exceptional circumstances exist. For example, we would generally expect you to have taken all reasonable steps to deal with the matter internally, or with an external regulator, and to have taken full advice from a lawyer or from Public Concern At Work, before you could justify involving the press.

Part 2: Our Procedure For Raising a Whistleblowing Concern

Whistleblowing Procedure

To raise a whistleblowing concern, please follow the following procedure:

  1. Raise your concerns with the CEO in the first instance. You may do so in writing or in person.
  2. If you would prefer not to discuss your concerns with the CEO or you consider that your concerns are extremely serious, you should write to the Chair of the Trustee Board.
  3. Please explain that you are raising your concerns as part of the Mitzvah Day whistleblowing policy and procedure. Then set out all the key facts, including names of those involved and all relevant dates.
  4. You will be invited to a meeting at which you can discuss your concerns. You are entitled to bring someone with you to this meeting – and any subsequent meetings. That companion may be a colleague. Anyone who accompanies you will be asked to agree to keep strictly confidential the contents of the meeting including any materials disclosed and/or examined during it. This obligation of confidentiality will extend before, during and after the meeting and any following investigation that we conduct in relation to the concerns raised by you.
  5. Following this meeting, we will investigate the matters raised and we may request that you come to additional meetings to assist us in our efforts. We may also decide to involve relevant external (or internal) specialists to help us conduct a thorough, fair and responsible investigation.
  6. Our relevant personnel involved in this investigation will keep you informed about the progress of the investigation as far as they are able. For a number of reasons, generally relating to legal obligations, including obligations of confidence, to others, or in relation to any legal advice that we may decide to take on our own behalf, we may not be able to share every detail of our discoveries or deliberations with you. We will always endeavour, however, to reassure you, as best as we can, of the fact that we are taking your concerns seriously and that we are conducting a responsible investigation.
  7. It is possible that the outcome of our investigations will not be one that you find satisfactory. If this happens, you are entitled to complain to the Chair of the Trustee Board and request a review of what has been done and concluded.

If you have raised a concern in good faith, our process and all those involved in giving effect to it will support and protect you. However, if a false concern is raised with us in bad faith (e.g. for malicious reasons), we will invoke our Disciplinary Procedure and you may be subject to disciplinary action.