About Us

Mitzvah Day is the UK’s largest faith-led day of social action. Over 55,000 people around the world, come together to give our time, to make a difference to the community around us. We introduce people to social action, to their neighbours and to local charities, setting up projects, which address real needs. Jewish-led, we bring together people of all faiths and backgrounds, to volunteer side-by-side, building longstanding, genuine relationships.

A Mitzvah, literally, is a commandment in Jewish law. However, it is often used to mean a good deed or an act of kindness, which is an integral part of Jewish life and is the basis for Mitzvah Day.

Watch some Mitzvah Day Highlights

2020 Highlights

2019 Highlights

Celebrating 10 Years

Mitzvah Day in 1 Minute

2017 Launch Video

2016 Mitzvah Highlights

Guided by the Jewish values of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), Gemilut Chasadim (acts of kindness) and Tzedek (justice), our vision is of Jews and non-Jews coming together to build more cohesive neighbourhoods and to strengthen civil society.
Our Values

Mitzvah Day is rooted in Jewish values that underpin our projects and partnerships so that they have a real, lasting impact.

Tikkun Olam

Tikkun Olam

The Hebrew translates as ‘repairing’ or ‘perfecting’ the world to instil a shared responsibility in the welfare of society at large – helping others, looking after our environment, and addressing diverse human rights.

Gemilut Chasadim

Gemilut Chasadim

The Hebrew literally means ‘acts of loving-kindness’ which knows no bounds and not only teaches the art of giving but also not to expect to receive something material in return. Acts of kindness are engraved in a Jewish way of life, where individuals give selflessly of their time and of themselves. Every year on Mitzvah Day, thousands do just that, through projects based on the principle of doing acts of kindness.



The Hebrew translates as ‘righteousness’ and ‘justice’ and, can manifest itself through social action and acts of loving-kindness; not because it feels good but because the Jewish faith commands that it is the right thing to do.

Thank you to our generous supporters